As mentioned in my last post, selling is the backbone of our industry. No one makes money until something is sold, whether it's a product line or services.
One of the big keys to success with any kind of business is the word of mouth referral service we all have access to. If we take care of our clientele, the chances of them referring business to us become much higher than if we just sell our product or service and let it be.
Our clientele can create more business than we ever thought possible if we give them permission and let them know we are looking for referrals. Here's the trick to this: You've gotta ASK for the referral. Now this can be done one of two ways, or both.
1. You can ask your client if they know of anyone who might benefit from your services, product, or opportunity and have them give you their contact information with the intention of you contacting them. Now with this path, I give my client the opportunity to contact the other person first, let them know I'll be calling, and endorse me before I even contact the person.
2. Give the client your information, and allow them to go out and bring people to you. A referral program is the perfect way to reward your current clients for bringing new business to you. That reward can be product from your product line, which also gives the opportunity to introduce your current client to a product that they, perhaps, would not have tried otherwise which, obviously, can turn in to future sales. Or extra services for discounted cost or free.
Your client is receiving something for just telling friends, family, co-workers, and perhaps their own clients about you. They receive a gifty from you, which is always cool, and their referral gets introduced to some really great products, opportunities, and/or services from you.
Next time you're with your client, bring it up. In fact, put it on the back of your business cards. What? You don't use the back of your business cards? Get on that.
Here's a few tips for your referral program:
1. Give your clients at least three business cards. That way, when the time comes, they'll have extras to give to people.
2. Always ask for more than one business card from your clients. This is so you can return the courtesy.
3. Make sure you deserve those referrals. Don't do half assed work and then expect a referral.
4. Let your clients know your process for contacting referrals. This way, your client will be more comfortable giving the lead, if they know your process is simple and professional.
Let people know you have a referral system in place and give them an idea of what they are able to receive should one of their referrals become a new client of yours. We refer people all the time without even realizing it, ('oh, hey try this restaurant!') so reward people for sending people your way.
It's is a huge business tool. HUGE.
If you have a program already in place or, if you implement one, go ahead and put the results down below.
The world is your oyster, my friends. Get crackin'.
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