Thursday, October 22, 2009

Clues of Leadership

I've been a triathlete for over 20 years. I've competed in all size races from ones in podunk towns using the local pond for the swim to the brilliance and fanfare of an Ironman.

When I started in triathlon, just as soon as I had finished competing I would catch my breath, gather all my gear, pack it in my vehicle and head home. For years I did this, and for years it was a pretty lonely adventure. It only fulfilled my needs.

As I continued to challenge myself physically and mentally, I began training with a higher caliber group of athletes. I aligned myself with athletes that were focused, commited, and ready to go the extra distance. I ran with a training group, swam with one of the best master's teams in the nation, and rode bikes with mostly men.

I continued to race. As the races got longer, and I started hanging out with the elite athletes, and worked for a company that supported many top triathletes, I started to really notice a difference in the behaviors of the top athletes and others.

The top athletes paid homage to their competitors, were great friends with each other, and felt no ill will towards any other competitor. In fact, they supported their efforts. It was truly the love of the sport that brought them all together.

When they raced, they raced against themselves and no one else. The challenge was to improve their performance.

But here was the biggest thing I noticed, especially at the Ironman races. The professional athletes would finish in about nine hours, on average.

They would do their interviews, then go back to their hotel room to clean up. But they didn't finish their day there. The top athletes would go back to the finish line, and stay there until EVERY last competitor came across that finish line.

Now, that sounds easy enough until you know that the last athlete usually crosses the line at just under or at 16 hours.

Imagine running yourself stupid for sixteen hours straight, being DFL (Dead F'in' Last), and finally crossing that finish line into the arms of the person who finished first. What a high.

The pros didn't support just their immediate group of competitors, the pros supported the entire community.

They were truly in gratitude of each and everyone's journey to greatness. And showed it in the best way possible.

The professionals surely made their money by finishing first, but they helped to create a positive community and experience by supporting everyone around them, not just the ones who could keep up with them.

Get where I'm going with this?

Remember, as you move up the compensation plan in your MLM company, as you build your team, and reap those benefits, we can continually support those around us by giving a kudos, or pat on the back, or just a word of encouragement.

Leaders know this, and if you're wanting to become a leader, or on your way, you'll start putting this into practice today.


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