Monday, October 12, 2009

Recession? What Recession?

Have you refused the recession? Have you turned off your news, cut off your newspaper, or stopped reading all the bad news online?

I"m going to give you my personal experience behind doing that. I don't watch the news. I haven't in a while.

In fact, was shocked when I discovered there was more than the Disney channel to our cable package, because that is all that is ever on, when the tv is on.

But I still was getting sucked into the whole recession thing. Then I just made the decision to not be involved.

I'm not sure what I did or how I did it but,  I just don't experience a recession anymore. I physically don't see any signs of one.

Interestingly enough, here's what I do see.

I see the same if not more people going to my gym  (more people in my spin classes too, gotta love that!)
I see more people enjoying themselves in their lives. I see more people smiling, laughing, and really having a good time.
I see more Porsches, Mercedes, Jaguars, and other nice vehicles on the roads. Most of them have personalized license plates like, 'mydrmcr' (my dream car) or 'mywish'.
The yoga studio I go to is packed with new students.

And because of these direct experiences, I have created more abundant thinking in my own life and therefore, more abundant living. My business is starting an upswing like I've never experienced before. My calendar is packed with events.

Amazing, huh? Try it for yourself. See what happens to your life, and to your business. Stop focusing on this poverty mindset that the media and society would have us believe.

Start looking at what is RIGHT with today, and watch how it changes your mindset.

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." - Wayne Dyer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jhanna, I love that post. It's very inspiring. I think that sometime by paying to much attention to the "news" and the negative that is what you are going to get.